Who is Tito?

I think it is important to know who you are getting your information from, so I thought I’d introduce myself!

I made a “Who Am I?” video on my YouTube channel when I first moved into my RV full-time back in 2014. You can watch that below. I not only wanted to introduce who I am but why I chose to live the lifestyle I do.

My original “Who Am I” video post:


What am I about?

I believe in living an intentional life. Which means everything I do I try to have intention behind it. Like when I eat I try to stick to a largely plant-based meal and get as many nutrients and minerals as I can into my body. I do this because I only have one body and I know my energy levels and health depend on what I put into it. Your body, mind, and spirit are all connected and when on is off it affects the other. A common word for this lifestyle is holistic. I write about my experience living this way, why I believe it is beneficial, and how you can start to make better choices to live a lifestyle similar to this. I will link to my book here!

Recently, I thought I would fill my new subscribers in on a little more about me. This was just some quick facts about a few things I’m interested in and why I live in a van. You can check this out in the video below!

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